28 December 2012

I have an update, explanation and enticing goodies!

Hello friends and fellow digital design enthusiasts, I have an update, explanation and enticing goodies!

This whole adventure has been the very first and only time where I have shared my work to anyone but my family.  Design is my creative release and I've yet to found a format where that has been as such with anything, besides soccer.

I think of the computer as my craft studio and with programs bought, designs are made which would never become to fruition from head to paper because of a falsified thought obstructing my creativy.  In Illustrator, I am who I am, all barriers broken and freedom breaks free into creativity.

You can call me Harper, or Finch, but I'm unmarried with no children (I work with children as part of my job.).  It isn't a solitary life, friends and fashion, cocktails and family, music infused into my spirit and those around me finding my smile.  By the way, I'm a writer, so... hahaha
I say all of this because hello, surely you'd want to know who this mysterious giver of craft to all is, and why I'm doing it.  I'm doing it for myself, frankly.  But I want to also be a source for where scrappers and designers can utilize my creations to create something of quality for PU/S40/S4H.  Paper scrapping is astronomically expensive and I found it stunted my creativy by having pre-selected options available to you.  The world of digital scrapbooking is so inspiring and giving of so much good to the world.  And good in this world, isn't rare but it can seem inadequate when
lives have been taken, tragedy hits, etc.

Following up on that note, the Sandy Hook/Newtown, CT. horror really affected us all powerfully.  I can't even yet talk about it without crying, seriously.  I won't go on about it, but it gave me a time to think of what are the things I want out of life.  Because we have this one life and we should live it.

Instead of completing multiple Christmas Scrap Kits for everything, I decided that I'm going to start a completely new series which will run all year long, titled, "Ready Set Go!"  I will have more information on that in my next post but I'm incredibly excited about this and can't wait to document this year in my life of new beginnings, work, pain, exercise, joy, grief and all that was my year.
I couldn't help but be daunted by the fact that every day is a miracle and every day, something of importance is worth acknowledging whether you want to use creative journaling, scrapbook, etc.  All that I wished I could do was to be able to give a book of each of the things that made their baby's final year with them great.  So I'm taking tragedy to inspiration.  And in time may consider accepting donations
through paypal to be sent to Sandy Hook fund.  But that's much longer away.

Each month I will have on MEGA kit, quality 3600x3600 and at 300dpi papers, elements, alphas and anything you could ever imagine.  Free of charge.  Requests?  YES!  Let me know!!  E-mail me imharperfinch@gmail.com

Wait, did someone hear something about a....goody?  OH!  I said that!  Tomorrow, come back in the afternoon to reserve 20 distressed papers in 20 different colors and shades, all of which coordinate with the coming MEGA!

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