29 December 2013

All That Glitters...Day 3

It's time for another freebie!  Check out what's happening in the shop before you grab them.

I want to send out a quick apology to you all for the link snafoo in today's newsletter.  I've fixed everything and you can find today's NL freebie and the previous three parts HERE.

Today's "Glitter" blog freebie, a pack of elements, can be download below.


28 December 2013

All That Glitters... Part 2

The holiday sales bonanza continues!  I've extended my Donor Club specials along with my shop special through December 31st.  Take advantage while you can!  I'll be mailing out all shop codes & links January 1.

You can catch up on the "12 Days of Christmas" by CLICKING HERE.

Yesterday I gave out the first part of my new freebie collection, "All That Glitters."  CLICK HERE for them!

Today's newsletter includes the first pack of "Glitters" patterns and can be found in your inbox or HERE.

Today's blog/ATG freebie can be grabbed below.


27 December 2013

All That Glitters

How about we end the year with a new freebie collection??  That's exactly what we're doing with "All That Glitters," a festive New Year's kit which you can collect over the next few days by checkig my newsletter, Facebook and here on the blog.  Before you grab the first part be sure you don't miss out on any of the amazing deals and steals happening over in the shop.

Here's a preview of what members of the December Donor Club have received this month, to give you an idea of what to expect in January and the rest of the year.

Download your first "All That Glitters" freebie kit below.


26 December 2013

12 Days Re-Cap

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!!  I'm here with the re-cap of the "12 Days" giveaway as well as a reminder about the amazing limited time offer happening over in the shop.  Shall we?

Catch up on any day you may have missed and download all 12 Days of Christmas below.


24 December 2013

...and a Partridge in a Pear Tree!

Merry Christmas Eve, y'all!  We're in full swing with our holiday celebrations, as I'm sure you are to, so let's keep it short and sweet, eh?  

If you haven't yet you can download Advent Day 24's freebie HERE.

Alas, your first day of Christmas is here!  Grab it and complete your collection below.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas!!!


23 December 2013

On the 2nd Day of Christmas...

Of course, just as I had everything worked out with my laptops and was feeling fine I realized that the 21lb box of gifts I ordered from Saks was dropped off at the Fed Ex facility on the 17th...and apparently has ceased to exist since then.  How do you lose a 21lb box?!  Blurgh.  This has been me for the past 48 hours and will continue to be until all of my gifts are delivered and all of my holiday freebies are given out.

I am in need of a Love Actually/Bridget Jones/The Holiday marathon STAT!

Are you ready for some freebies?  I AM!  If you are signed up for my newsletter then you can find these two freebies in your inbox.  If you aren't signed up you can do so HERE.

Here's your "12 Days" freebie of the day.

I'm off to harass Fed Ex and get my Christmas movie on...enjoy!
