11 July 2015

New Release: Poolside

There's a scene in the play "August: Osage County" where the family's matriarch recounts to her daughters an incident from her childhood where she had desperately wanted this certain pair of cowboy boots and had begged and begged her mother for them, doing everything she could possibly think of to sway her into purchasing them.  Christmas morning dawns and she rips open a present to find the box for the boots and is so excited that she can barely lift the lid to try them on. Well, she opens the box to find a smelly old pair of work boots and her mother laughing hysterically. 
"To Set a Watchman" is my version of those smelly boots.

For context follow this LINK - though be warned, read at your own risk.  After much soul searching I've decided the best route is to simply refuse to believe and from this point forward will deny this book ever existed.  

I will refrain from writing out the thesis I've created about why this book is completely separate from the Mockingbird canon, how Harper Lee had a definitive reason for never releasing it, etc. but instead I'll just share a few of my favorite Atticus/Gregory Peck GIFs.

Now that I've got THAT off my chest...it's back to regularly scheduled programming!  Don't worry, I have a fabulous freebie for everyone who made it through to this point ;-)  Grab it at the end of today's post - AFTER you check out what's happening in the shop.

Download each "Poolside" freebie before you go!

Have an amazing weekend!




  1. thanks so much for the beautiful papers! I never even knew about the book till now. I don't think i'll be reading it though.

  2. thank you so much for the freebies! i love your job and this is too nice to discover your pretty creations and the gifts! i shared the links here: https://fr.pinterest.com/lemondedis/freebies-kits-add-ons-collections/


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